4.6.2 release?

Howard Butler hobu at IASTATE.EDU
Tue Nov 29 21:21:16 EST 2005

>BTW, were you planning to have some kind of cache in place so that 
>the server can handle heavy traffic? I'm not very familiar with 
>Plone specifically and whether it needs that or not, just wondering 
>if that was part of the plan.

Plone currently sits on a multi-processor machine, and I have things 
structured so we can round-robin on as many of the processors as we 
need to.  If it is still to slow, we'll put squid in front it. 
That's what was done on <http://katrina.telascience.org>.

I'll throw some heavy traffic at things this weekend to see where we 
stand, and we'll build out things accordingly.


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