QUERY on layers with SIZEITEM/ANGLEITEM causes crash
Karsten Hoffmann
karhof at WEB.DE
Thu Oct 6 17:18:18 EDT 2005
You are right. Im using querymaps too. The query works without them. But if I want to have querymaps mapserver crashes.
Steve Lime <steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US> schrieb am 06.10.05 23:00:38:
> And draws work ok? Are you doing query maps? I can't see how any style settings would affect queries. Query maps perhaps, but not queries themselves. Please file a bug...
> Steve
> >>> Karsten Hoffmann <karhof at WEB.DE> 10/06/05 2:54 PM >>>
> Hi,
> Mapserver crashes if I do a query (query or nquery) on a layer (point or polygon) which includes SIZEITEM and/or ANGLEITEM in the STYLE-Object.
> For example I have a layer with filled circles in one CLASS where the size varies with SIZEITEM. If I click on a circle in the query (or nquery) mode then mapserver hangs up.
> I get an "Internal Server Error".
> This happens also in a point-layer with ANGLEITEM and in a polygon-layer with SYMBOL HATCH and SIZEITEM.
> The Apache error.log says:
> Premature end of script headers: mapserv_46.exe, referer: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv_46.exe?map=c%3A%2Fms4w%2Fapache%2Fhtdocs%2Fdiplom%2Fberlin2.map&imgext=368711.000000+5798131.680435+417394.300000+5838348.319565&imgxy=230.0+190.0&mode=browse&zoomdir=0&zoomsize=2&layer=ewabs3_orte
> Does anyone know this problem?
> I'm using MapServer 4.6.1 (in ms4w 1.2.2) on Windows XP.
> Best regards,
> Karsten Hoffmann
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