MS RFC 7: MapServer CVS Commit Management
Yewondwossen Assefa
Wed Sep 28 12:44:15 EDT 2005
Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On 9/28/05, Yewondwossen Assefa <assefa at> wrote:
>>Sorry to jump late but the last paragraphe (unix/dos format) made me
>>realize that we did not adress the fact that new commits/commiters
>>should ensure that at least linux and windows builds should still work.
>>I think ensuring could be simple as raising the issue in the bug with
>>some information like new files added, new libraries used. This will
>>help keep both platformas evolve.
>>I do not expect this to happen for every changes but I think for major
>>changes (eg using RFC) It could be part of the bug tracking the changes.
> Assefa,
> In my opinion when folks add new source files they ought to be updating
> the and the For cases with no new external
> dependencies this should be sufficient to keep both builds building.
> In the case of new dependencies you are suggesting these be noted
> in the bug entry. Is that to make the job of those getting the other
> systems makefiles working again easier? Should we be expecting folks
> adding new dependencies to take care of both builds before committing?
I do not expect people to take care of both builds as this might not be
possible. If they can do it that is great.
But my idea is that the issue should be raised in the bug and be
adressed *before the bug is closed*. It is the repsonsability of the
commiter to ensure that both platforms are updated by either assigning
it to someone else or doing it himself.
In reality most of the time, It only means asking someone to build on
certain platform from cvs with few modifications in the makefile. We
could have a pool of people who are responsible for diffrent platforms.
I could myself be one of the persons making sure that windows builds
work after the changes.
Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst
Email: assefa at
Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax: (613) 565-0925
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