5.0 Release Plan
Steve Lime
Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Aug 1 10:53:52 EDT 2006
I'm not talking about rushing, just getting started with planning. As
far as a second render,
unless there is funding to do so I don't see how it can happen soon.
I really hate to sit on something like the curved labels, a feature
most users would take
advantage of right now.
>>> Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA> 8/1/2006 7:56:21 AM >>>
I assumed we would be looking at a second renderer for the 5.0 release.
Otherwise I don't see the point of rushing a 5.0 out the door.
just my thoughts.
Steve Lime wrote:
> Hi all: I'm wondering if it might make sense to start talking about
> 5.0 release plan? It would be nice to at least have a good idea of
> will be included before the conference in Sept so that we can
> with users etc... There are several RFCs out there with an unknown
> status (e.g. dynamic array allocation, C unit tests) and a few other
> things (e.g. internationalization) that are still hanging.
> Personally I have 3 big todo's:
> 1) RFC 19 (attribute binding)
> 2) style-level transparency/removing TRANSPARENCY ALPHA (if
> 3) WFS application schema support
> Along with other cleanup...
> Those along with the WXS services support, curved labels, full-GEOS
> support, mapfile includes, credential encryption and other stuff
> be more than enough to warrant a 5.0 release. I'd love to get a
> renderer in place but I fear there isn't time.
> Thoughts?
> Steve
> Also, what do folks think about periodic IRC developer meetings?
> MapBuilder does this, seems to work pretty well in keeping out in
> of things.
> Stephen Lime
> Data & Applications Manager
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-259-5473
Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.
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