MapServer feature freeze and IRC meeting

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Mon Aug 14 15:34:15 EDT 2006

Opps... sorry, the tile of my previous post should have been "MapServer 
feature freeze..." and not "code freeze..."


Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Two things:
> 1- Feature Freeze today:
> Please don't forget that today is the feature freeze date for the 4.10 
> release (CVS HEAD). If you had new features that were nearly completed 
> then you have only a few hours to get them in, or they will have to wait 
> until the next release. Starting tomorrow and until after the 4.10 
> branch will have been created, only bug fixes should go in the CVS HEAD.
> 2- IRC Meeting Wednesday:
> When:  Wednesday Aug 16 at 1pm central, 2pm eastern 
> ( 
> Where: #mapserver on
> What:  MapServer 4.10 bug triage session and general release discussions
> Who:   Developers and users (anyone who cares about the 4.10 release)
> Note: I had initially suggested Wednesday at noon central and got no 
> feedback except for one comment saying that 1pm central might be best. I 
> hope all the developers can make it, if you can't then let us know ASAP 
> so that we can find a time that works for everyone.
> We should also try to have IRC meetings like this every few weeks during 
> the release crunch.
> Daniel

Daniel Morissette

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