MapServer 4.10 IRC Meeting this Friday

Howard Butler hobu at IASTATE.EDU
Thu Aug 24 11:15:22 EDT 2006

+1 on the meeting change.

At 10:04 AM 8/24/2006, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>Man it's hard to schedule something with no feedback. Does the lack 
>of reply mean that everybody would be okay with the new time? Let me 
>turn the question the other way:
>Does anyone planning to attend tomorrow's IRC meeting have a problem 
>with moving the meeting to Friday at 10am central?
>If we hear no objections by the middle of this afternoon (eastern 
>time) then we'll change the meeting time.
>Umberto Nicoletti wrote:
>>ok for me.
>>On 8/23/06, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at> wrote:
>>>I don't think we have anyone in the Asia/Pacific region attending, it's
>>>mostly north-americans and europeans, right? So would Friday at 10am
>>>central work better for everyone?
>>>Umberto Nicoletti wrote:
>>> > Gee, that's 9:00 pm in Italy! It's a bit difficult for me, but I'll try.
>>> >
>>> > Umberto
>>> >
>>> > On 8/23/06, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Please don't forget our next IRC meeting this Friday:
>>> >>
>>> >> When:  Friday August 25th at 2pm central, 3pm eastern
>>> >> 
>>> ( 
>>> >>
>>> >> Where: #mapserver on
>>> >> What:  MapServer 4.10 release discussions
>>> >> Who:   Developers and users (anyone who cares about the 4.10 release)
>>> >>
>>> >> Daniel
>>> >> --
>>> >> Daniel Morissette
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>>Daniel Morissette
>Daniel Morissette

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