Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Dec 12 11:06:13 EST 2006

Later MS4W version include an increased value for MAXSYMBOLS (128).

There is a MapServer RFC for this actually 
(  I am not 
certain that this is on the table for the 5.0 release, even though it is 
listed at the bottom of the release plan 

If you can come up with funding for that RFC I bet that would help push 
up its priority.


Sture Dingsøyr wrote:
> Hi there.
> A while back I recompiled my version of Mapserver to support a higher number of symbols (MS_MAXSYMBOLS). 
> We are currently using MS4W (very good!!!) on some machines.
> Are there any plans on removing the hard limits for layers, classes and symbols (MS_MAXLAYERS,MS_MAXCLASSES, and MS_MAXSYMBOLS) in MS4W or at least increase the hard limits?
> Best regards
> Sture

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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