code contribution from SDJ

Paul Spencer pspencer at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Dec 12 17:05:16 EST 2006

Hi MapServer devs ... I've got a code contribution from System Design  
Japan (David Nesbitt) via the folks at Ornkey (Japan) that seems  
pretty decent and was hoping you guys would take a look and perhaps  
guide them through the process of contributing the code (copyright,  
rfc, etc)

The code adds coloritem, outlinecoloritem and symbolitem keywords to  
allow for per-feature styling coming from the feature data rather  
than having to use large layer/class/style combinations in a mapfile  
- and rapidly exceeding the built in limits.

The code is available from:
login ID  orkney
passward  P9gxEwYA includes
- mapserver-4.10.0.tar.gz
- mapserver-changes.txt
- MapserverChangeResult.txt
- Mapchange.patch

Unfortunately I don't have any email addresses other than Toru Mori,  
cc'd on this email.  Hopefully he can put David in touch with whoever  
the right person (Steve?) is on the MapServer end :)



|Paul Spencer                          pspencer at    |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc       |

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