Time for a 4.8.4 release

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Jul 10 19:46:23 EDT 2006


>>> Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> 7/10/2006 2:13 PM >>>
Please stop asking for last minute additions, that's not the right time, 
and that's why 4.8.4 was not released last time: My previous proposal 
was to take whatever was in the 4.8.x branch at the time of my post and 
to release that (and exactly that) as 4.8.4, but most (all?) votes came 
with a caveat that they wanted a release if [add your favorite wish 
here]... I took that as a NO vote since I didn't have time to address 
those wishes and never proceeded with the release.

I agree with SteveL that we should release 4.8.4, so I will once again 
propose that we release what is *currently* in the 4.8 CVS branch as 
4.8.4 this week. My proposal does NOT include room for last minute 
wishes, we take what's there and release it, other bugs can always go in 
4.8.5 or later.

I start with a +1 vote.


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Steve,
> There are a few php/mapscript functions that are missing from the swig 
> interface that I posted about. If I find the post and write a bug, can 
> they get included in a 4.8.4?
> I'll find it and write the ticket regardless.
> -Steve
> Steve Lime wrote:
>> Seems we never did commit to doing this. Probably still a good idea 
>> though..
>> Steve
>>>>> Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> 06/22/06 12:35 PM >>>
>> Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote:
>>> Daniel, talking of releases, is there a timeline to fix the unique
>>> filenames problem with using PHP/Mapscript as an Apache module? This 
>>> is a
>>> really critical issue in my opinion.
>> Unfortunately I never encountered this problem myself, that and the 
>> lack of interest from anyone to fund this fix explains why it's still 
>> there. I'll pop it back to the top of my list, but wouldn't wait on 
>> that for 4.8.4.
>> Daniel

Daniel Morissette

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