Time for a 4.8.4 release

Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Thu Jun 22 08:37:06 EDT 2006

I can't vote but I think this would be very welcome, especially bug 1735
was causing us problems.

Daniel, talking of releases, is there a timeline to fix the unique
filenames problem with using PHP/Mapscript as an Apache module? This is a
really critical issue in my opinion.


> We've got a good set of bugs fixed in teh 4.8.x branch since 4.8.3 (see
> change log below). What do you think of pushing that as a 4.8.4 release
> today?
> I start with a +1 vote.
> Daniel
> Version 4.8.4 (CVS)
> --------------------------
> - Fixed leak of shapefile handles (shp/shx/dbf) on tiled layers (bug 1802)
> - Support treating POLYGONZ as MS_SHAPE_POLYGON.  (bug 1784)
> - Force stdin into binary mode on win32 when reading post bodies. (bug
> 1768)
> - Output feature id as @fid instead of @gml:id in WFS 1.0.0 / GML 2.1.2
>    GetFeature requests (bug 1759)
> - Preventing to take ownership of the memory when constructing objects
>    with parent objects using C# mapscript (causing nullreference
> exception,
>    Bug 1743)
> - Fixed FP exception in mapgd.c when pixmap symbol 'sizey' not set (bug
> 1735)
> - Fixed problem with mycursor not being closed on layer close in the
>    mappostgis.c module (bug 1757).

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