MapServer 4.8.2

Howard Butler hobu at IASTATE.EDU
Wed Mar 22 17:22:43 EST 2006

I have updated the version in map.h and the HISTORY.txt file in the 
4.8 branch to 4.8.2.

Steve, we're ready to cut the release.


At 12:06 PM 3/22/2006, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>Howard Butler wrote:
>>I will make these additions this morning.  Is there anything else 
>>that needs to hold up having the release today?
>Nothing at my end. You had listed bug 1700 as a candidate for fixing 
>in 4.8.2 but I am not going to be able to get to it in time. You're 
>good to go with 4.8.2 as far as I'm concerned
>Daniel Morissette

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