Automated tests (was Call for 4.8.3 release...)

Howard Butler hobu at IASTATE.EDU
Mon Mar 27 18:32:55 EST 2006

Actually, I ran the python test suite on windows before blessing the 
4.8.2 release, but for some reason the bug didn't manifest 
itself.  Only when I started working on the buildbot 
<> did it show up.

The postgis that Paul Moen pointed out that missed 4.8.2 is described 
here <>.


At 05:26 PM 3/27/2006, Steve Lime wrote:
>This brings us to another point. Sean's tests identified the 
>embedding problem but were not run by me (or anyone else as far as I 
>know) prior to the 4.8.2 release. In fact that bug probably was 
>there at the 4.8.0 release. Others (Sean, Umberto and so on) have 
>pushed for more testing and this issue underscores the fact. 
>However, IMHO the tests need to be part of the "build" process so a 
>make test and/or make pytest could trigger things very easily.
>This is a hot topic on the OSGeo incubator list. How should we 
>proceed as a project?
> >>> Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at POBOX.COM> 03/27/06 2:56 PM >>>
>Steve Lime wrote:
> > Hi all: We fixed a somewhat obscure but nasty bug with embeded 
> legends and scalebars over the weekend. Basically you can't use 
> that feature in 4.8 at all. It might make sense to cut a 4.8.3 to 
> mitigate the problem. Looks like there was also a PostGIS patch 
> that wasn't applied to 4.8.2. Any objections?
> >
> > Steve
>Please!  With all speed!
>Best regards,
>I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
>light and sound - activate the windows |
>and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF,

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