New bug owner for mapscript needed

Sean Gillies sgillies at FRII.COM
Fri May 26 12:15:39 EDT 2006

Hey all,

I've got a brand new gig starting in June that, while geospatial in  
nature, won't be making much direct use of MapServer, and won't allow  
me much time to respond to mapscript bugs. My time as owner of the  
SWIG mapscript Bugzilla component is done. Maybe you'll want to  
reassign to one person, or split it up by language, that's up to you.

And since I don't foresee making many more big contributions to  
MapServer, I will resign my seat on the TSC as well, effective June  
12. I'd like to retain commit privilege in order to make the odd bug  
fix here and there, but that's about the extent of my future  
involvement. I won't be supporting the Python test framework, or the  
mapscript.txt doc. To me, these are failed efforts, and the search  
should begin for something better.

I'll stick around for Bugzilla through the end of June, so that a new  
component owner can be found, and I will of course be happy to assist  
that person or persons in taking over.


Sean Gillies

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