addition of language metadata

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Nov 2 14:28:29 EST 2006

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone think that something like:
> MAP/WEB/METADATA/"ows_language"
> Would be valuable?  Note that language is a part of the OGC OWS Common
> 1.0.0 specification.  Example:

Since I don't think any OGC spec supports language as a request 
parameter, all this ows_language metadata would do is allow the server 
to report to clients in which language it was configured and in which 
error messages and capabilities metadata are returned, right?

Actually, since error messages in MapServer are currently hardcoded in 
English, does it really make sense to specify any value other than 
English for exceptions?

Um... I'm starting to realize that this is useless until we have the 
ability to translate error messages in MapServer... and at that point 
what we'll need is a LANGUAGE mapfile parameter to control the feature 
for all of MapServer and not just OGC services.

Daniel Morissette

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