Bug 1957, a solution... (sort of)

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Mon Nov 13 11:28:55 EST 2006

Steve Lime wrote:
> Hi all: I've been putzing around with bug 1957 testing. It's a problem
> with GD where it's clipping too soon with brushed lines which leaves
> artifacts along image edges. The wider the line the more obvious the
> artifact. Plays havoc when tiling. Anyway, on a whim I installed the
> version of GD that Autodesk updated as part of MapGuide figuring they
> must have seen this behavior. They did and that code works great, no
> artifacts.
> So, what to do next? I don't want to have to fix GD yet again and I know
> Bob and Gary had always intended to contribute their GD modifications
> back to that project. I'm wondering about the possiblity of de-coupling
> the Autodesk version of GD from MapGuide for a broader distribution-
> sort of an OSGeo-branded GD. What do folks think?


I think forking a copy of GD which can be shared between MapGuide and
MapServer is a good idea.  And that we might look into other
quality-of-rendering improvements that can be made in such a fork.

We should also work to accept patches from the world at large to the extent
we can handle them.

As Howard mentions we should make at least one more attempt to contact
Thomas Boutell before forking, but it certainly seems to me that he has
lost interest.  Assuming this remains the case we could work torwards
making the forked GD be the one used by linux distributions over time.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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