Problems running version 4.10.0 rc1

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Wed Oct 4 11:08:01 EDT 2006

José Vicente Higon wrote:
> Hello,
> I've compiled mapserver 4.10.0 rc1 with gdal 1.3.2 on linux and I've 
> realized two problems:
> 1. If compile with geos I get an error like this:
> mapgeos.c:34:20: geos_c.h: File not found


Can you provide details on what version of GEOS you were using, and
what the compile line for mapgeos.c looked like?  MapServer now requires
a relatively recent GEOS (2.2.3?) but I suspect the problem you are running
into is some sort of include path issue.

> 2. I can't get get an image with output format trought GDAL like "tiff  
> 32 bit float". Mapserver returns a 500 html code (mapserver crashes).
> The outputformat definition is like this :
>  NAME GTiffFloat
>  MIMETYPE "image/tiff; mode=float32"
>  EXTENSION "tif"

The automated tests include some options somewhat like this, so I *think*
this is usually working.  I'm not sure how to start isolating why it
doesn't work for you.  I would suggest trying map with shp2img, and see
if you can reproduce the problem there.  If so, then perhaps you could
try running it in the debugger to get a traceback for the problem.

You might also try a different format to see if it is only with TIFF.
For instance, change DRIVER "GDAL/GTiff" to DRIVER "GDAL/HFA" which also
supports FLOAT32 data.  If HFA works, and GTiff does not we can presume
some sort of libtiff specific issue.  If neither works, then we likely
need to get to the point where I can reproduce the problem at my end.

If you can provide me temporary ssh access to your system I could help
debug the problem.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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