Motion to provide commit rights to Tom Kralidis...

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Oct 18 10:43:14 EDT 2006

Speaking of motions and RFC's here's one I'd like to bring up. I'd like
the TSC to consider extending
commit rights to Tom. He has been a long-term champion of MapServer but
has also been willing to
roll up his sleaves and dig into the code. He has provided a number of
patches related to OGC support
and it would be excellent to provide him more direct access to that
code. In addition he volunteered
to be the maintainer of the SWIG-Perl code and should have direct
access to those files as well.

Of course he would have to familiarize himself with committer rules and
such. What do folks think?

(+1 from me...)


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