MapServer 5.0.0-beta2 released

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Wed Aug 1 15:44:32 EDT 2007

Hi everyone,

MapServer 5.0.0-beta2 has just been released. The source package and 
links to binary distributions are available at:

The list of changes/fixes since beta1 is included at the bottom of this 

As was mentioned before, we plan to have one beta per week until the 
final release of MapServer 5.0 which is planned for the week of 
September 12, 2007. More details can be found in the 5.0 release plan at


Version 5.0.0-beta2 (2007-08-01)

- Oracle Spatial: Fixed some issues related with the maporaclespatial.c
   source code: warnings with calls in gcc 4.x versions (#1845), gtype
   translation error, generating memory problem (#2056), problems with items
   allocation (#1961 and #1736), and some memory-leaks errors (#1662).

- AGG: Fixed a significant number of rendering issues including 
conflicts with
   OPACITY ALPHA and ANTIALIAS TRUE settings w/regards to polygon fills. 
   ellipse and vector markers. Fixed AGG/GD alpha channel conflicts by 
   conversion to/from functions. (#2191-partial, #2173, #2177)

- SOS: Turn layer off if eventTime is not in the sos_offering_timeextent

- WFS: Correct bugs related to query by featureid support (#2102)

- WMS: Add svg as a supported format for GetMap request (#1347)

- WMS: Correct WMS time overriding Filter paramter (#1261)

- Fix problem with LUT scaling ranges with explicit value for 255 (#2167).

- WCS: Fixed resampling/reprojecting for tileindex datasets (#2180)

- Fixed formatting of configure --help (#2182)

- Fixed AGG configure option to use 'test -f' instead of 'test -e' which
   doesn't work on Solaris (#2183)

- Fixed mapwms.c to support selecting AGG/ outputformats via FORMAT=.

- Removed unused styleObj.isachild member (#2169)

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