Motion: include AGG freetype (2.4 version) in MapServer

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Mon Aug 13 14:00:59 EDT 2007

Howard Butler wrote:
> All,
> I've come around to thinking that the only way we can limit the 
> configuration/building issues we are about to inflict on our users with 
> AGG is to include the freetype stuff in MapServer's source.  It seems 
> many of the distros are treating the AGG freetype inconsistently.  Just 
> building AGG because of its spartan build setup is quite a chore.  
> Hacking makefiles, compile targets, and link lines to get what is needed 
> is just too much.
> I propose we take the GDAL "thirdparty" approach and put the AGG 
> freetype stuff in ./thirdparty/agg and update MapServer's configure/make 
> system to always use that.  We have done something similar in the past 
> with GD, right?  If so, this approach would not be unprecedented.
> Howard


I am somewhat inclined to agree with you, but I think this will require 
a smarter configure script. For example you would need to check if 
agg_font_freetype were built into the distro or not before we arbitrary 
build and add it a second time.

I also think some quick check to see if there are difference between AGG 
2.4 and 2.5 APIs exist, because a user might have downloaded either of 
these. I don't think this will be an issue because by chance and lack of 
knowing better, I downloaded 2.5 instead of 2.4.


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