CSharp MapScript doesn't like AGG

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Aug 30 08:22:02 EDT 2007

Mike Leahy wrote:
> If I recompile without adding --with-agg=/usr to my configure options, it'll
> work as expected. I'm not sure what the problem is, but this is now added to
> what appears to be a growing list of compile options that I need to be leave
> out for CSharp to work (this already includes --enable-coverage
> --with-fastcgi=/usr, as discussed earlier).

I can't help with CSharp, but stuff like --enable-coverage is of no use 
to anyone unless you want to do profiling so why would you want to 
include that option in your build? Hopefully you realize that by 
including options that you don't need in your build you are bloating it 
and will end up with a binary that may be less optimal than what you'd 
get if you picked only the options that you need.

Daniel Morissette

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