CSharp MapScript doesn't like AGG

Mike Leahy mgleahy at GOLDEN.NET
Thu Aug 30 08:44:47 EDT 2007

On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 08:22:02 -0400, Daniel Morissette
<dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> wrote:
>I can't help with CSharp, but stuff like --enable-coverage is of no use
>to anyone unless you want to do profiling so why would you want to
>include that option in your build? Hopefully you realize that by
>including options that you don't need in your build you are bloating it
>and will end up with a binary that may be less optimal than what you'd
>get if you picked only the options that you need.

I do realize this - I just like to try new things when I can.  I'm under the
impression that if I notice a problem, then it's worthwhile to mention it
(if that's not the case, then please let me know).

At any rate, this doesn't apply to the AGG case - I really would like that
to work, as the improvement in the graphical output is quite noticeable.  I
only mentioned the other options because the pattern I noticed is similar -
everything compiles fine, mapserver works, PHP MapScript works, but the
CSharp module fails when used at runtime.


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