msautotest on Windows (buildbot) for MapServer 5.0

Normand Savard nsavard at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Aug 30 15:50:15 EDT 2007

Tamas Szekeres wrote:

>2007/8/30, Normand Savard <nsavard at>:
>>>>Finally some of the tests failed because of floating point rounding
>>>>rules difference between Windows and Unix.  These tests need to be
>>>>validated visually and move to the expected directory.  They are:
>>>>in gdal:
>>>>average_rgb.png  class16_range.png  lut_inline.png
>>>>in misc:
>>>>grid.png legend.png ogr_select.png tr_label_pc256.png label_pc256.png
>>>>ogr_direct.png ogr_vrtconnect.png tr_label_rgba.png
>>>>labelrot.png ogr_join.png ogr_wkt.png tr_label_rgb.png
>>Did you have time to validate these results?
>Not yet. The gdal ones seem pretty identical but I think committing
>those would cause harmful effects for the linux tests, isn't it?. Or
>could we separate the expected results based on the actual platform

You are absolutely right by saying that you cannot commit them.  
Initially I thought that you only need to validate and moved them from 
the result directory to the expected directory, but since your updating 
the expected directory (svn up) this isn't going to work.  In regards to 
create separate directories based on platforms it could be a solution.  
I know that Frank want to look to perceptual diff.  We need to give some 
thoughts on how to handle the expected results on different platform.


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