CITE WMS 1.1.1 tests MapServer 5.0-beta5

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Aug 30 15:37:04 EDT 2007

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
> Does anyone see value is doing this for MapServer's WMS server support?
> If so, issues ownership and organizational attribution come into play.
> Who owns/pays for the certification?  Or do we continue to be
> implementing (i.e.

Yes, since 5.0.0 passes all the tests I think we should get the certificate.

Since we have the Foundation now, I think the certification paperwork 
should be handled on behalf of OSGeo and the certificate owned/managed 
by OSGeo.

With respect to paying the fees, well it's not that expensive, but that 
could be a good use for sponsorship money if we ever decide to go that 

My 0.02$

Daniel Morissette

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