KML output format?

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Thu Jan 4 11:12:32 EST 2007

> Has anyone been thinking about adding a KML output format in 
> MapServer, or even better got some code working? My 
> understanding is that if we supported the KML output format 
> in WMS then users could connect directly to MapServer with 
> Google Earth (via WMS).

Can't Google Earth simple connect to any OGC:WMS server?
> If nothing has been done yet then I wonder if there are 
> users/organizations out there that would be interested in 
> co-funding the development of this new feature.

Good question.  I know their EULA cites for personal use only.  In
addition, Google has approached OGC about making KML an OGC
specification (OGC TC meetings in San Diego [Dec 2006]), however this is
in the very early stages and exploratory/feasibility stage.

Unless there's requirements/funding, my recommendation would be to wait
and see if KML gets into the OGC process.  If no, then implement as
required.  If yes, then I'd wait until something stable comes out of
OGC.  I would imagine that KML would undergo some changes if it were
brought into the OGC process.


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