KML output format?
Steve Lime
Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Thu Jan 4 13:19:44 EST 2007
I was thinking of something like this in a more general sense, that is
being able to
return a set of features from a query (even selection by bbox is really
just a form
of a query) through an OGR driver. That way you could support creating
KML, Shapefiles
or whatever OGR supports via MapScript, the CGI, WMS or WFS.
I don't think concentrating on just WMS, or just KML makes good sense.
BTW There was a person on the list that did this with WFS and I tried
to get the code
but didn't hear back...
>>> Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> 1/4/2007 10:00:07 AM
Has anyone been thinking about adding a KML output format in MapServer,
or even better got some code working? My understanding is that if we
supported the KML output format in WMS then users could connect
to MapServer with Google Earth (via WMS).
If nothing has been done yet then I wonder if there are
users/organizations out there that would be interested in co-funding
development of this new feature.
Daniel Morissette
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