Call for vote on MS-RFC-29 - Dynamic Charting

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Tue Jul 3 17:21:31 EDT 2007

Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Since I didn't get any feedback on my email from last week proposing the 
> addition of CHART_SIZE_RANGE to RFC-29, and because the feature freeze 
> is approaching fast, I have decided to keep this as a future enhancement 
> (documented in ticket #2136:
> Now, I'd like to call for a vote to adopt MS-RFC-29 - Dynamic Charting 
> Capability - for inclusion in MapServer 5.0: 
> I start the vote with a +1
> Daniel

Daniel, Sorry I read your post and that seemed like a fine solution. 
Regardless I'll add +1 to your vote.

-Steve W

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