Minutes of July 13 IRC meeting
Daniel Morissette
dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Fri Jul 13 17:09:47 EDT 2007
Here are the minutes of Today's MapServer 5.0 IRC meeting:
MapServer 5.0 IRC Meeting, July 13, 2007
1- Status of development vs Feature Freeze
2- Release Manager
3- QA Checklist, testers and test plans
4- Documentation:
- Who will be doc coordinator for 5.0?
- Discuss process to update docs for 5.0 on live site without
interfering with current 4.10 docs
5- Next meeting date/time
SteveL, TomK, Pericles, HowardB, JeffM, FrankW, NormandS, DenisN,
TamasS, ThomasB
1- Status of development vs Feature Freeze
The new feature Freeze date is Monday July 23, 2007.
We reviewed the status of the work items that are still under
development and wverybody agrees that we're in good shape to
make the July 23 feature freeze.
A few items worth mentioning:
- RFC-17: maxlayers, etc ... about to open for vote, should be done on time
- RFC-32: AGG - RFC still needs a bit of work
- RFC-24: Umberto plans to do a bit more work for 5.0, mostly on the symbols
front, but some work will be left for after 5.0
- RFC-31: Loading obj from string - will be done on time
The following work items are delayed and will be revisited for 5.2:
- RFC-30: WMS 1.3.0
- RFC-33: Removing msLayerWhichItems
- Caching of query results (no RFC?)
- RFC-22a: Layer caching and processing
2- Release Manager
There was a discussion about documenting the release manager role and
choosing a release manager for 5.0. The following plan was agreed to:
- Daniel will post the release manager role doc as a RFC on which the
PSC will vote
- The PSC will motion/vote for Daniel to be release manager for 5.0 with
a new person in training for 5.2+
- Daniel will issue a call for volunteers for "release manager in training"
and QA/testers on mapserver-users and -dev later on
3- QA Checklist, testers and test plans
Normand will coordinate the QA Checklist for 5.0 and we need developers
to contribute to the test cases page (see release plan page).
In order to facilitate testing, it was proposed to make binaries available
for testers (MS4W for Windows, FGS for Linux). Frank and Normand will work
together on the FGS binaries and Jeff will produce occasional MS4W packages
based on 5.0 betas.
4- Docs
Jeff has been selected as 5.0 docs manager.
We need to organize docs in the website in a way that allows branching
stable released docs and still edit trunk/development docs (similar to
the way we have trunk and branched for source code). Jeff and Howard
will work on solving this issue.
5- Next meeting Friday July 20 at 10amEDT
After that we will have meetings every 2 weeks until the release is done.
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