Documenting the breaking changes

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Jun 5 12:06:56 EDT 2007

I like the idea of keeping the file in SVN trimmed to match the release in question...


>>> On 6/5/2007 at 6:16 AM, in message <46654627.7070008 at>, Daniel
Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> wrote:
> Tamas Szekeres wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I think it takes a fair amount of work to document the backward
>> incompatible changes between the 4.10 and the upcoming 5.0 release so
>> it worth starting this effort in time. Recall that we have a
>> MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT in the project tree to enumerate these changes in
>> a convenient way.
> Oopps... I had forgotten that we had a MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT in the source 
> tree. I had already started a 4.10 -> 5.0 migration guide in the website at:
> 0/
>> May I suppose that we would want to continue this documentation or we
>> should open up a brand new one?
> Perhaps the best would be to flush the current contents of 
> MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT and start fresh (in the same file) with the 4.10 -> 
> 5.0 migration guide.
> We could also perhaps keep the 4.8->4.10 stuff at the end of the file, 
> but then the file would become quite large and that could confuse users.
> Either way, I think we need to make an effort to keep the 
> MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT from the source tree and the website page at the URL 
> above in sync. The MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT in SVN should be considered the 
> master and the website version just a copy, so any change needs to be 
> made to the master in SVN first. A note to that effect could be added in 
> the website copy.
> My 0.02$
> Daniel

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