Using the "C API" and modifying the projection...
Ian Erickson
ierickson at ANALYGIS.COM
Thu Jun 21 10:20:46 EDT 2007
I know that the C API was never really intended for use directly as a
developer's platform, although when evaluating all of my options it was
clear that what I needed to do was simple and the C API (map.h,
mapproject.h) were ideal for my situation....however....
I've put together a simple console application to test the API and
(whatever I try) I cannot get the map to change projections and specify
the extent of the new map in projected coordinates.
Here's an extract...
void simpleMap( double minx = -180.0, double miny = -90.0, double maxx =
180.0, double maxy = 90.0 )
mapObj *map = NULL;
imageObj *image = NULL;
// This map and every layer in it has the projection of epsg:4326...
map = msLoadMap("C:\\", NULL);
pointObj *pt_ll = pointObj_new();
pointObj *pt_ur = pointObj_new();
// *** Assign the coordinates to be reprojected.
pt_ll->x = minx;
pt_ll->y = miny;
pt_ur->x = maxx;
pt_ur->y = maxy;
cout << "BEFORE:" << endl;
cout << "pt_ll: (" << pt_ll->x << ", " << pt_ll->y << ")" << endl;
cout << "pt_ur: (" << pt_ur->x << ", " << pt_ur->y << ")" << endl;
cout << endl;
// *** Just to confirm, that the mapObj is working as expected, I
test this statement and indeed,
// *** the map is recentered correctly....
msMapSetExtent( map, pt_ll->x, pt_ll->y, pt_ur->x, pt_ur->y );
// *** Create projectionObj pointers to convert between geographic
// *** into the Transverse Mercator projection required for USGS quads.
// *** projectionObj_new is defined elsewhere and functions the
// *** transformed coordinates are correct.
projectionObj *projIn = projectionObj_new( "+init=epsg:4326" );
string s_projOut = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0.0";
s_projOut.append( " +lon_0=" );
s_projOut.append( doubleToString( (double)((pt_ll->x + pt_ur->x) /
2.0) ) );
s_projOut.append( " +k=0.9996 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=GRS80" );
projectionObj *projOut = projectionObj_new( _strdup(
s_projOut.c_str() ) );
cout << "Output Projection: " << msGetProjectionString( projOut ) <<
// *** Reproject the input points. One point for the lower-left
// *** and one for the upper-right corner.
msProjectPoint( projIn, projOut, pt_ll );
msProjectPoint( projIn, projOut, pt_ur );
// *** These points are correct! No problem here....
cout << "AFTER: " << endl;
cout << "p_min: (" << pt_ll->x << ", " << pt_ll->y << ")" << endl;
cout << "p_max: (" << pt_ur->x << ", " << pt_ur->y << ")" << endl;
cout << endl;
// *** This is where things fall apart. Taking a page from the
php_mapscript.c and
// *** mapscript_i.c sources, I init the projectionObj pointers, run
// *** and recompure the extent of the map....msLoadProjectionString
by itself doesn't work either.
int nStatus = 0;
int nUnits = MS_METERS;
projectionObj in;
projectionObj out;
rectObj sRect;
int bSetNewExtents = 0;
int bSetUnitsAndExtents = 1;
msInitProjection( &in );
in = map->projection;
msInitProjection( &out );
msLoadProjectionString( &(out), msGetProjectionString( projOut ) );
sRect = map->extent;
if (in.proj != NULL && out.proj != NULL)
if (msProjectionsDiffer( &in, &out ) )
if (msProjectRect( &in, &out, &sRect) == 0)
bSetNewExtents = 1;
msLoadProjectionString( &map->projection, msGetProjectionString(
projOut ) );
nUnits = GetMapserverUnitUsingProj( &map->projection );
map->units = (MS_UNITS)nUnits;
if (bSetNewExtents == 1)
map->extent = sRect;
map->cellsize = msAdjustExtent( &map->extent, map->width,
map->height );
msCalculateScale( map->extent, map->units, map->width,
map->height, map->resolution, &map->scale );
// *** Compute the size of the output map in meters. This is later
used to
// *** determine the output size of the map in pixels.
double width_m = pt_ur->x - pt_ll->x;
double height_m = pt_ur->x - pt_ll->y;
double width = 500.0;
double height = ((height_m / width_m) * width);
cout << "EARTH SIZE [Width, Height] m: " << ((double)width_m) << ",
" << ((double)height_m) << endl;
cout << endl;
// *** Set the size of the output map.
msMapSetSize( map, (int)width, (int)height );
cout << "MAP SIZE [Width, Height]: " << map->width << ", " <<
map->height << endl;
// *** Set the extent of the map as per the newly projected coordinates
// *** computed above.
// *** This call is where things go wrong. Apparently the
msLoadProjectionString is not
// *** working properly, because if I use the original coordinates
supplied as parameters
// *** the map moves to the correct location -- not the projected
msMapSetExtent( map, pt_ll->x, pt_ll->y, pt_ur->x, pt_ur->y );
image = msDrawMap( map );
msSaveImage( map, image, "C:\\simple.png");
pointObj_destroy( pt_ll );
pointObj_destroy( pt_ur );
msFreeImage( image );
msFreeMap( map );
cout << "Complete!" << endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
Please! I'm looking for some guidance here as it doesn't seem too
difficult - and the same order and function calls work in PHP/MapScript!
Ian Erickson
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