mapserver support for sld-opacity fills

lars lingner lingner.mail at GMX.NET
Wed Mar 21 06:55:40 EDT 2007

Hello list,

as I saw on the Mapserver SLD Howto 
( there is no support 
for opacity by mapserver.

How is the planning to implement support for opacity? Is there a plan to 
support this? I searched the mapserver-users and -dev mailing lists, but 
I couldn't find any infos to this topic.

What is the reason for no support? Is it because nobody tried it or is 
it too time consuming and has therefore an low priority? Or is it 
difficult to implement or even impossible at the current stage of 
mapserver code?
Are there any unreachable limits like library dependencies or necessary 
architecture changes?

The thing is, I could really use this feature and now I'm thinking about 
how I could get it.
If its a strait forward programming task I will check if I could do it. 
Therefore it would be nice to know the estimated time for implementation.

I'll appreciate any replies. If there was already an discussion about 
this, then point me to it please.

Thanks in advance


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