IRC development meetings for the 5.0 release
Steve Lime
Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Thu May 17 18:41:06 EDT 2007
I agree that we're going to have to push the release back a bit, perhaps well into the
summer. It's a major release and it's more important to have the right feature set
than meet a somewhat arbitrary date.
Tuesday is ok with me.
>>> On 5/17/2007 at 2:13 PM, in message <464CA96F.9020509 at>, Daniel
Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> wrote:
> Howard Butler wrote:
>> I would like to propose that we start meeting on IRC semi-regularly to
>> coordinate getting 5.0 out the door. We had talked about doing
>> bi-weekly meetings until we got closer to release and started doing
>> weekly meetings. I think it is time we started the bi-weekly meetings.
> Thanks for bringing that up Howard. I was supposed to take the lead on
> that and didn't. :(
> I second your proposal.
>> How does next Tuesday afternoon, May 22nd, at 15:00 CDT (20:00 UTC) sound?
> Tuesday works for me.
> One topic I'd like to discuss then is the 5.0 feature freeze date.
> I had started a thread on this a little while ago where I proposed and
> we agreed to a feature freeze at the end of May (or early June), but I
> haven't been able to make as much progress as I wanted on my 5.0 feature
> development work and would like to propose pushing the feature freeze
> date to the end of June. That would still leave us enough time to
> release before the end of August, in time for the September conference.
> Actually, since the date is approaching fast I'd like to hear feedback
> on this even before the IRC meeting if possible. I'm ready for flames
> too since I am well aware that I am the one who usually tries to enforce
> rules/decisions about schedule and deadlines, etc... that puts me in an
> odd position to request an extension.
> Daniel
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