MapGuide fork of AGG

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Oct 22 14:12:34 EDT 2007

This should be a nice mess, especially if there is a broader community fork of AGG 2.4. I'm curious
why a fork is even necessary? The RFC doesn't go into any detail. The one piece of code mentioned
in the thread certainly doesn't necessitate a fork. 


>>> On 10/20/2007 at 12:11 PM, in message <471A36AC.8090403 at>, Daniel
Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> wrote:
> MapServer Dev's
> This is just a heads up that MapGuide has a RFC open right now about 
> adding support for AGG rendering, and as part of that they plan to fork 
> AGG 2.4 and make some improvements to it:
> A few people have already suggested on the mapguide-internals list that 
> they do that in a way that other OSGeo projects such as MapServer can 
> benefit from the improved version. Interested parties can review the 
> thread in the archives at 
> Daniel

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