[mapserver-dev] non spatial tables and WFS

bartvde at osgis.nl bartvde at osgis.nl
Wed Jul 23 01:42:54 EDT 2008

No I meant tables without even joining them to spatial data.

Like a code list which is served out to a web client using WFS.

Best regards,

> Do you mean attribute tables JOINed to spatial data? If so then that would
> be a relatively easy
> addition I think. I remember looking into it when much of the gml work was
> done but I don't recall
> what stopped me. I believe Tom K. was interested in something similar.
> Steve
>>>> On 7/22/2008 at 2:19 PM, in message <488632DA.706 at osgis.nl>, "Bart van
>>>> den
> Eijnden (OSGIS)" <bartvde at osgis.nl> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> one of the features I've been missing in Mapserver WFS is the ability to
>> serve out non spatial / administrative tables using WFS, something that
>> Geoserver does support.
>> Would this be easy to add in Mapserver or not? Are there any known
>> workarounds that might work out of the box already?
>> Best regards,
>> Bart

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