[mapserver-dev] Code freeze on May 30th, still possible?

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue May 27 13:42:09 EDT 2008

Hi all: We had discussed a code freeze at the end of the week. Looking at trac we still have 165 open tickets (119 closed which is nice) and only 5
of those are documentation tickets so there is clearly at lot still to do. I'd like to ask all folks with bugs to please take a pass through their stuff and
update, close or defer all tickets so we really know where we stand. If that could be done in the next 24 hours or so then we can assess the likelihood
of a freeze on Wed. I know I have a few tickets that I am waiting for comment from other devs before choosing a path and if those can be handled
as well I would appreciate it.


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