[mapserver-dev] Vote for MS-RFC-55: Improve control of output resolution

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Apr 3 08:41:35 EDT 2009

Daniel Morissette wrote:
> MS-RFC-55 has been updated in light of the comments received on this 
> list and in our code sprint discussions, so i'd like to call for vote on 
> "MS-RFC-55: Improve control of output resolution" for inclusion in 
> MapServer 6.0:
>   http://www.mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-55.html

For the record, RFC-55 has been adopted on 2009/03/16 with +1 from 
DanielM, HowardB, SteveW, TamasS, PericlesN and AssefaY.

Since then that's been implemented in trunk.

There were discussions at the end of the vote about changing the name of 
the DEFRESOLUTION keyword but there was no agreement on a new name and 
anyway those suggestions came after the votes from the people listed 
above which had already technically approved the RFC.

The best names in my opinion were RESOLUTION/OUTPUTRESOLUTION as 
suggested by PaulS, but that would imply a change of meaning of the 
RESOLUTION keyword (and URL param) and that could result in side-effects 
for scripts or apps that expect that setting the RESOLUTION keyword has 
an impact on the scale-visibility of layer. With the proposed change 
this behavior would be driven by the outputresolution keyword instead so 
that would cause a backwards compatibility issue. Or maybe there is a 
way to avoid the issue but I am not confident enough that we've 
addressed all possibilities to +1 this change.

In summary, I am not against a name change, I'd be all for a better name 
if we could find one that doesn't add backwards compatibility issues. 
If anyone's got a better plan then feel free to come up with a proposal 
for an amendment to the RFC that properly addresses any backward 
compatibility issue and follow the usual proposal, discussion and motion 

Daniel Morissette

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