[mapserver-dev] [Support for reading SVG symbols-MapServer-GSoC]Kiran Anjaneya Varma

Dan Little danlittle at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 15 16:06:29 EDT 2009

I'd also like to know which SVG library you're planning to use, if any, as the standard issue answer is librsvg has a ton of dependencies which I suspect would make it ugly to port to windows.

IMO, if you can parse the SVG, it'd be easy to parse the path into the current mapserver symbol format.  If one was really sporting ... they could even try to parse the SVG style (CSS) to get colors for the various paths.  It'd be a special exception to place that, similar to the RASTER symbols...

I've been kicking around the idea for a while but am short of time and funding for such an adventure ... kudos for working on it for GSOC.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us>
> To: kiran varma <kiran.varma2k7 at gmail.com>; mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> Sent: Monday, April 6, 2009 11:45:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-dev] [Support for reading SVG symbols-MapServer-GSoC]Kiran Anjaneya Varma
> Hi Kiran: I think it would a cool addition, another more standards based symbol 
> format
> would be welcome I think. How this would work across the various renders is a 
> bit of
> a mystery though, perhaps other devs can comment on that. GD/AGG would render
> that SVG to a raster form, either a temporary marker or directly into the map. 
> Are you looking for mentors then?
> Steve
> >>> On 4/3/2009 at 8:09 AM, in message
> , kiran varma
> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > I am applying for the *MapServer* project for the *Google Summer of Code
> > 2009* Programme.
> > 
> > I am planning to contribute on the* SVG* symbols support in Mapserver.I am
> > very much interested in this field.
> > 
> > I am always fasinated by google earth. Look your self on the map excites
> > very much. I wanted to know how exactly all these things work. Then I came
> > across the book GIS for web developers. It gives every thing one need to
> > know to start working with GIS applications. It gives what are the formats
> > available to represent the data, where to download load the free data
> > from, how this geospatial data is stored in databases like PostGIS, what are
> > the open source softwares available, how to integrate them. I see more
> > potential for growth in this area. I would like to pursue my carear in GIS.
> > I would like to contribute some thing to this. Being new to this area I
> > would like to choose KML or SVG since it does not involve too many concepts
> > related to GIS and should be a good start. I do not know much about SVG I
> > would like to consider that too.Though i have less idea about the API's
> > expecting for the SVG support, Iam sure i can do this project succesfully
> > with some help.
> > 
> > I can also teach myself all the other requirements for the project during
> > the "bonding" time(April 20 to May 15(coding begins))
> > I love the oppurtunity to work on Mapserver as part of GSoC 2009
> > 
> > I look forward to working with you over the summer!
> > Thanks,regards
> > Kiran Anjaneya Varma
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