[mapserver-dev] MapServer Version 5.4.0 Source Released

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 01:28:58 EDT 2009

The docs are now branched as we discussed at the Toronto sprint.  The  
website is currently driven off of http://svn.osgeo.org/mapserver/branches/branch-5-4/docs/ 
  instead of ./trunk/docs.  If you need to adjust announcements, make  
fixes to documentation, etc, you'll have to do them both in the branch  
and trunk -- just like the source code.

http://mapserver.org/MapServer.pdf needs to be preserved for posterity  
as our historical 5.4.0 documentation example.  Our release process  
needs to be updated to take a snapshot of the current pdf and store it  
somewhere on the site as historical docs.

I have also updated the mapserver_docs svn commit group to give them  
access to /branches/mapserver-5-4/docs/.


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