[mapserver-dev] MapServer Version 5.4.0 Source Released

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Apr 23 09:08:35 EDT 2009

Howard Butler wrote:
> The docs are now branched as we discussed at the Toronto sprint.  The 
> website is currently driven off of 
> http://svn.osgeo.org/mapserver/branches/branch-5-4/docs/ instead of 
> ./trunk/docs.  If you need to adjust announcements, make fixes to 
> documentation, etc, you'll have to do them both in the branch and trunk 
> -- just like the source code.
> http://mapserver.org/MapServer.pdf needs to be preserved for posterity 
> as our historical 5.4.0 documentation example.  Our release process 
> needs to be updated to take a snapshot of the current pdf and store it 
> somewhere on the site as historical docs.
> I have also updated the mapserver_docs svn commit group to give them 
> access to /branches/mapserver-5-4/docs/.

I'd like to add that, as we agreed earlier, once the docs are branched 
they are frozen, as is the source code (meaning no more editing of 5.4.0 
docs, all doc changes must occur in the trunk).

I'd also like to take this time to again ask that any documentation 
updates must include a reference to the version it impacts (e.g. I add a 
function foobar() in PHPMapScript, the description of that function 
should include "added in MapServer 5.4.0, this function enables blah...").



Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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