[mapserver-dev] Zipping templated output...
Jim Klassen
Jim.Klassen at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed Jan 21 10:31:39 EST 2009
In CGI mode you could use an apache filter to do the compression for network transport, but the file would still be a kml when it came out on the other end. Alternatively, you could write a wrapper around the mapserver cgi to create the zipfile (I have a perl script that we use to wrap mapserver in cgi mode at the city to ensure people aren't playing games with the map parameter and to treat mapscript modules as new "modes" instead of separate cgi calls. It just sets up the environment like Apache did, and exec's to mapserver (or the mapscript code).)
>>> Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com> 01/21/09 5:41 AM >>>
It would also require to embed the compressed stream into a zip file layout
(which is not implemented in zlib as far as I know) and change the content
type (and the disposition) accordingly.
http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT (for more info
about the format.)
2009/1/21 Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us>
> Anyone have any ideas on how to run templated output (I'm thinking KML for
> starters) though
> a compression step to create kmz? It would seem that with CGI it would have
> to be done in
> the MapServer code, perhaps triggered by a format option.
> Steve
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