[mapserver-dev] WMS 1.3.0 and styles

Guillaume Sueur no-reply at neogeo-online.net
Fri Jul 31 10:50:18 EDT 2009

Hi devs,

After having tested MapServer 5.4.2 compliance with WMS 1.3.0, there is 
still a point which is not clear to me. It's about STYLES.
As I understood WMS 1.3.0 specs, SLD has disappeared from WMS 1.3.0 to 
give place to named styles.

I've read many messages and docs, but I still can't find a proper 
answer. So, here is the global question : is the mapfile able to 
reference several named styles, with associated SLDs or inline classes ? 
Can mapserver answer a getMap request using a named style using the 
proper one ?

Thanks a lot and best regards,

Guillaume Sueur

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