[mapserver-dev] msautotest-wxs: how to suppress the header information?

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Fri Mar 6 16:50:28 EST 2009

Tamas Szekeres wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm wondering how the msautotest should be executed on windows. Currently I
> get much of the failures because mapserv provides the result with the
> content-type included at the beginning of each file (including the png-s)
> which is compared to the expected files without having that extra
> information.
> Is there a way to suppress this header inclusion without touching the code?
> (I know mapserv has the '-nh' option but it seems mstestlib.py should be
> changed to include this switch)

After some explanations from Yewondwossen, I would fix this next week.


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