[mapserver-dev] MapServer blog?

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Oct 20 11:04:32 EDT 2009

It would be ideal to be able to define a blog group based on OSGeo ids. That way we could control
who has access. I'd actually like to tap power users to write short how-to articles. We could be 
opportunistic based on activity on the mailing list. Anyone know if there's a standard blog tool that's
part of the OSGeo intrastructure or if trying something like the trac extension Tamas mentioned is


>>> On 10/19/2009 at 5:38 PM, in message <4ADCEA59.6080500 at mapgears.com>, Daniel
Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:
> Steve Lime wrote:
>> Just poking around planet osgeo (not much of a reader myself) and noticed 
> all the project 
>> team blogs and wondered if we should do something like that for the devs and 
> PSC to 
>> communicate a bit more casually. Thoughts?
> I like the idea. Not sure about the implementation details though: 
> should it be a single blog where multiple devs or PSC members post, or 
> an aggregator of some sort? I'm not familiar enough with the way blog 
> systems work to advise on the best way to go.
> Daniel

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