[mapserver-dev] mapserver performance windows/linux

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Sep 17 14:51:55 EDT 2009

Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> I forgot to add, I’m using ms4w 2.3.1 for the windows side.
> Since your Linux tests are with MapServer 5.4.2, then shouldn't your 
> Windows tests be with the same version?  (MS4W 3.0 contains MapServer 
> 5.4.2)

I would agree with Jeff, but if 5.2 is faster in general on the same 
platform than 5.4 for this case, then please file a bug against this, 
because I am not aware of any changes that should have impacted 
performance of LABEL ANGLE AUTO.

   -Steve W

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