[mapserver-dev] Mapscript Raster Query Problem

geographika geographika at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 16:29:11 EDT 2010

Hi list,

I have some Python code running on MapScript which queries a raster 
layer by an input point. The following lines:

     for i in range(layer.numitems):
             print '%s: %s' % (layer.getItem(i), s.getValue(i))

With this I get the output below:

x: 249975
y: 249975
value_0: 3
value_list: 3
class: 50-100m
red: 162
green: 180
blue: 189

But no matter which points I use the class and the rgb values remain the 
same. However the value_0 and value_list are always correct. I have a 
hack to get the correct class based on the value, but I'd appreciate any 
further clarification on why the same values are always returned. The 
raster displays without problems through MapServer showing the correct 
classes for each pixel.

Seth G.

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