[mapserver-dev] 6.0 release plan

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 05:48:39 EST 2010


excellent news!
please do the update in the mapserver6 sandbox, as this is where the
up-to-date code is regarding the rendering api.
best regards,

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 06:49, Toby Rahilly <toby.rahilly at gmail.com> wrote:
>> RFC-50: I think this is out for 6.0 unless those authors are still around.
> When I left the OpengGL implementation was pretty much done. Todo is
> 1) Updating for the changing graphics rendering API
> 2) Cross platform OpenGL context creation support and testing
> The actual rendering code is done.
> Jon and I think we can finish it up before the 15th and will be having
> a go over the weekend. If its not ready for the 6.0 feature freeze,
> we'll try to leave it in a good state for the next release.
> Cheers,
> Toby
> On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:07 AM, Lime, Steve D (DNR)
> <Steve.Lime at state.mn.us> wrote:
>> RFC-50: I think this is out for 6.0 unless those authors are still around.
>> RFC-52: The changes I’d like to see are relatively minor (from a coding
>> perspective) and are a return to a single getShape() method in MapScript. It
>> will break 5.6 scripts but is simpler in the long run. I don’t know that an
>> RFC is necessary but I will start a ticket and we can go from there.
>> RFC-54: I think Thomas just needs to merge?
>> RFC-58 – RFC-63: Are all basically complete, perhaps need docs though.
>> RFC-64: Needs feedback. This may push us back a week or two depending on
>> feedback. I think 6.0 is the right time to implement though given the types
>> of proposed changes. They are not candidates for minor releases.
>> Thanks for pushing on this…
>> Steve
>> From: mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>> [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tamas Szekeres
>> Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 6:12 PM
>> To: mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: [mapserver-dev] 6.0 release plan
>> Hi All,
>> In search of my memory (and my mails) the recent plan of the 6.0 release has
>> been scheduled as follows:
>> "Plan for a feature freeze on Nov 15th, with a little over 2 months for
>> betas, aiming for final release between Jan 15th and 31st"
>> How do we stand with the upcoming activities in the light of this?
>> I can see the following RFCs may be affected or must be scheduled:
>> RFC-50 (OpenGL)
>> RFC-52 (One-pass query processing), we wanted to do some rework as far as I
>> remember.
>> RFC-54 (Rendering overhaul)
>> RFC-58 (KML output)
>> RFC-62 (Additional WFS GetFeature Output Formats)
>> RFC-63 (OpenLayers viewer)
>> RFC-64 (Expression parser overhaul)
>> Do we have any other plan which will be covered with an RFC soon? How much
>> time the pending efforts will take to be implemented?
>> The 6.0 release plan document may also updated with some up to date
>> information if possible.
>> Best regards,
>> Tamas
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