[mapserver-dev] Outdated SVG doc page

Jean-François Gigand jean-francois at gigand.fr
Sat Jun 11 11:54:26 EDT 2011


I just noticed that the doc page about SVG output is outdated:

Indeed it was "last updated" on 2005/12/13 and I know that SVG support
has been changed in 6.0.0...
I'm writing this feedback as I have not found any ticket about it in
"SVG output" and "MS documentation" components.
And because I have lost some time trying to use "svg" as the driver,
whereas it had to be "CAIRO/SVG", as seen in the examples from

I have got my SVG output format working now, so I'm happy :) Thanks!
If you ever need help to update the SVG doc page, I can contribute.

Best regards,

JF Gigand

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