[mapserver-dev] Ready for the final 6.0.0 release

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed May 11 14:22:48 EDT 2011

Hi Devs, PSC,

The short version:

I think (as release manager) that we're finally ready for the long 
awaited official release of MapServer 6.0.0. So unless I hear objections 
in the next 24 hours, the new 6.0.0 release will be announced tomorrow.

The long version:

We had a solid 6.0.0-rc2, and since then only two sets of fixes in very 
localized areas of the code had to be made: the first set in the 
UNION/CLUSTER code, and the second one related to the creation of 
semi-transparent legend icons.

Given the amount of new and refactored code in this release, there are 
no doubts that there are still bugs that will be uncovered after the 
release once users really start testing it, and we should be ready to 
address them and issue a few quick 6.0.x releases in the coming weeks.

However I think that it's time to let the release go, even if it's not 
perfect (it will never be, we could continue to do betas/rcs for 
months). So unless I hear objections in the next 24 hours, the new 6.0.0 
release will be announced tomorrow.

I will package the code this afternoon so that binary distribution 
maintainers can test it, and will circulate a draft announcement later 
today or tomorrow for your review.

Thanks to all for your hard work on this in the last several months 
(some of the 6.0 work started over a year ago!).

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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