[mapserver-dev] MapServer pie chart enhancements

Lime, Steve D (DNR) Steve.Lime at state.mn.us
Wed Apr 11 17:30:33 EDT 2012

Seems a relatively straightforward addition to me.  I’d be ok with the addition…


From: mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tamas Szekeres
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:12 PM
To: thomas bonfort
Cc: mapserver-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-dev] MapServer pie chart enhancements

Hi Thomas,

I would just use 3 specific functions (linear, sqrt, log) as the possible values of   CHART_SIZE_FUNCTION

Best regards,


2012/4/11 thomas bonfort <thomas.bonfort at gmail.com<mailto:thomas.bonfort at gmail.com>>
Hi Tamas,
How would you express this in a pseudo-generic way inside the
processing keys? Are there any other functions that would make sense


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 20:14, Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com<mailto:szekerest at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> One of our client requires an addition which could provide nonlinear
> function to visualize the size of the pies depending on the source
> attribute. Currently we can specify the chart size as follows:
> PROCESSING "CHART_SIZE_RANGE = itemname minsize maxsize minval maxval"
> This can provide the size as linear function of the item value. As an
> enhancement we would like to add further kind of functions (like square root
> or logarithm) to enhance the visual appearance (see the images attached).
> This addition could be implemented by introducing a new processing option
> (like: CHART_SIZE_FUNCTION ) and by adding a switch to the size calculation
> in mapchart.c.
> For example with the square root function we could use:
> diameter=MS_NINT(
> mindiameter+
> (sqrt((diameter-minvalue))/sqrt((maxvalue-minvalue)))*
> (maxdiameter-mindiameter));
> What do you think about this change?
> Best regards,
> Tamas
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