[mapserver-dev] Image disappear when click openlayers enlarge & deposit my locally access to Internet?

李杨 gisyangli at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 10:14:22 PDT 2012

I am a beginner , have make some progress, realize the osm importing,
mapfile auto generated, and mapserv rending,  when  I use the link below:

which can do locally access to my postgis data in mybrowser.
for example , one can use the IP

where is my IP.

succeesfully show a map with many layer.

*My question is *

But if I want to sombody else on internet to visit it.

also , when use the link above. I use the openlayer enlarge it, and the
image will *disappear*.
Also with the mouse wheel enlarger, image also disappear.

mymapfile is here:


now my netwwork is strange, and I can not get the IRC, so I ask here.

Yang Li
GIS Developer
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