[mapserver-dev] WMS GetCapabilities 1.3.0 Ex_GeographicBoundingBox error
thomas.ellett at statkart.no
Thu May 31 01:06:37 PDT 2012
Hi all,
I appear to be having a slight problem with the calculation of the
Ex_GeographicBoundingBox for the capabilities doc (1.3.0 & 1.1.1) in one of
my services. The projection of the service is 32633 (utm zone 33) and the
bounding box given in a 1.3.0 capabilities doc is correct for the projected
<BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:32633" minx="-566158" miny="6.27807e+06"
maxx="1.37006e+06" maxy="9.43158e+06"/>
However, it gives the Ex_GBB as:
when I've calculated it should be -1.954, 55.4632, 57.037, 80.728
Getcapabilities call is:
I understand reference systems with central meridian's not through Greenwich
used to be a problem but I thought from reading
http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/2578 that this was fixed in the 5.6
This is all using mapserver 5.6.6, but I've also tried it using mapserver
6.1 and this gives another (also wrong) result:
I wonder if it can be a problem that the projected bounds are outside
slightly of the official 32633 grid bounds?
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/WMS-GetCapabilities-1-3-0-Ex-GeographicBoundingBox-error-tp4978220.html
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